The Adventures of Jalisio & Kaylo Part II

Kids these days get a bad rap. Disrespectful, entitled, violent. The list goes on. Despite what the media puts out, there are some pretty cool kids out there that still act like… KIDS! lol go figure! I’m blessed to be related to some of those cool kids (even though they can be brats at times […]

When is Having Less More?

Sometimes when you are growing something- a brand, a child, a plant, etc- you feel the need to go out and spend money on new equipment, technologies, books, supplies etc. This is especially true for myself. I am a rising photographer in a saturated market of artists and wanna be’s. The pressure has always been […]

The Adventures of Jalisio & Kaylo

This past weekend I had the opportunity to do two things I love: Visit my family and photography! I traveled to Savannah, GA to for a Graduation photo shoot (coming soon) with an old classmate on the campus of Armstrong Atlantic University. She wanted to bring her 4 year old with her so I thought […]

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